Why Refluxter
The increase in Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) usage has called into question the long-term effects of these medications. Some concerns include[1]:

Infection, particularly Clostridium difficile and pneumonia
Long term use and dementia
The interaction with antiplatelet agents
The development or progression of chronic kidney disease
The under-discussed role of Alginate Rafts in treating GERD and Silent Reflux (LPR).
Sodium alginate creates a low-density viscous gel when it, along with bicarbonate, contacts the acid of the stomach. This gel-like “raft” will sit on top of the acid pocket that usually forms after eating a meal, preventing the acidic content from leaking back to the esophagus. The acid pocket is an area of unbuffered, highly acidic gastric secretion that accumulates post-prandially in the proximal stomach.
The best part about alginate is its instant action. The second one takes alginate and bicarbonate together the raft quickly forms and helps prevent reflux.
Research that supports the effectiveness of alginate rafts is extensive.
One study compared the efficacy of an alginate preparation mixed with an antacid versus a non-raft-forming antacid preparation. The alginate raft blocked acid reflux that typically occurs after a meal. Conversely, the non-raft-forming antacid was less effective in protecting the esophagus[2].
Another study recruited volunteers with symptomatic GERD coupled with hiatal hernia. Participants were divided into two groups[3]. The first group took an alginate-antacid preparation. The second group received a non-raft forming antacid. All volunteers consumed a meal and were instructed to report any reflux episodes. The first group had significantly fewer episodes than the second one.
A recent study enrolled 100 outpatients with LPR. Alginate treatment was administered for two months. Patients underwent four visits (at baseline and 15, 30, and 60 days after treatment). A visual analog scale assessed the perception of dysphonia, dysphagia, and cough. Alginate significantly (p<0.0001) reduced all parameters. Therefore, the study demonstrated that alginate was effective and safe in silent reflux treatment[4].
Alginate-based reflux suppressants can be used in pregnant women to combat the frequent symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation. Alginate based therapy is equal to or significantly better than traditional antacids for relieving heartburn symptoms. Due to the physical mode of action and long-term experience, these products are shown to be safe to use in pregnancy[5].
Alginate therapy is also safe for children. In fact, in children over one year old, the combination of a proton pump inhibitor and alginate may lead to better gastroesophageal reflux symptom scores and 24-hour pH index than either treatment alone[6].
Nutritist’s founder is an MD who after being diagnosed with GERD did not want to rely on PPI use for life. Refluxter’s unique non-systemic mechanism of action provides rapid and long-duration (up to 4 hours) relief of acid reflux symptoms. Refluxter can be taken long term with no side effects.
[1] The risks of long-term use of proton pump inhibitors: a critical review. Jaynes M, Kumar AB. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2019;10:2042098618809927
[2] Post-prandial reflux suppression by a raft-forming alginate. R. Sweis et al. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2013; 37: 1093–110
[3] Leiman DA, Riff BP, Morgan S, Metz DC, Falk GW, French B, et al. Alginate therapy is effective treatment for GERD symptoms: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Dis Esophagus. 2017;30(5):1–9
[4] G. Ciprandi , V. Damiani , F.M. Passali , A. Crisanti , G. Motta , D. Passali. Magnesium alginate in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux. Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents. 2021, 35(1(S2)): 61-64 https://doi.org/10.23812/21-1supp2-12
[5] Meteerattanapipat, P., Phupong, V. Efficacy of alginate-based reflux suppressant and magnesium-aluminium antacid gel for treatment of heartburn in pregnancy: a randomized double-blind controlled trial. Sci Rep 7, 44830 (2017).
[6] Nopakun, Amanda MD; Raymond, Tyler DO, MPH; Burket, Jeffrey MD, MBA; Marshall, Robert MD, MPH, MISM. What is the most effective treatment of acid reflux in children?. Evidence-Based Practice: November 2020 - Volume 23 - Issue 11 - p 20-21